His last book Beyond the Smoke is a 2009 winner of the Will Rogers Medallion for best youth fiction and a nominee for the Spur Award from the Western Writers of America. He has a three book Mysterious Ways series out from David C Cook, and Trails of the Dime Novel from Echelon Press.
A graduate of West Texas State he did post graduate work at Southern Methodist University. Terry plans to continue writing inspirational fiction as well as working as an agent for Hartline Literary Agency. Terry is a native Texan Living in Amarillo, Texas with his lovely wife Saundra.

In our sound-byte society, short stories and poems will always have a place, especially when they've been penned by the likes of Terry Burns. This, the first of four in The Sagebrush Collection, is a compilation of fictional, autobiographical, and fiction-based-on-fact shorts and poems.
Through fluent cowboy-speak, author Terry Burns shares his heart with these sometimes somber, often humorous, always engaging glimpses of life. From short stories about time machines and troubled marriages to poems of roses and hauntingly cold winds, you’ll find much to savor on the pages within.
A born storyteller, Burns style is natural, conversational, and above all real. He’s a fifth generation Irish tale-weaver and a fourth generation Texas Teller of Tall Tales. Storytelling comes as natural to him as breathing.
Come along with Terry as he journeys “On the Road Home”. You’ll be glad you did.
If you would like to read the first chapter of On The Road Home, go HERE.
Terry proves to be a literary master in a variety of genres and the short story is no exception. He is cowboy from hat to heart to pen. His advice, "...reasons to write short works..." in the foreword makes this book priceless for any writer!
Terry's tales, the first in The Sagebrush Collection, in On The Road Home: Stories of Life and Love pull you into the days of the Wild West and on to heart-felt poetry and then to the true secret of a happy marriage (so concisely said and, like most secrets in life, more simple than most of us think) and back to the Range again - stories that as Bonnie Calhoun said, "...will take you from laughter to tears..." I found that to be literally true - I laughed out loud and had to use a tissue from one story to the next. Do you know what the best thing is about a collection of short stories? You can read just one in a small amount of time and frequently - this is easy heart-felt reading at its best!