Submit your funniest/craziest/most embarrassing PREGNANCY STORY and be entered to win a Super Fabulous, Ultra Deluxe Chill Out, Mom SPA BASKET! Author Susan May Warren is hosting this fun contest exclusively for her Blog Tour and she wants You to enter. Here is the link: Susan May Warren Blog Tour Contest (

I've been writing as long as I can remember - I won my first book writing contest in first grade! Over the years, writing has become, for me, a way to praise God and see Him at work in my life.
Although I have a degree in Mass Communications from the University of MN, my real writing experience started when I penned the The Warren Report - a bi-monthly newsletter that detailed our ministry highlights.
Living in Russia meant I never lacked for great material - and those experiences naturally spilled out first into devotionals and magazine articles and finally into my first published story, "Measure of a Man," in the Tyndale/HeartQuest, Chance Encounters of the Heart anthology.
I grew up in Wayzata, a suburb of Minneapolis, and became an avid camper from an early age. My favorite fir-lined spot is the north shore of Minnesota - it's where I met my husband, honeymooned and dreamed of living. The north woods easily became the foundation for my first series, The Deep Haven series. Based on a little tourist town along the shores of Lake Superior. I have to admit - I'm terribly jealous of Mona, the heroine of my first full-length book, Happily Ever After, a Christy Award Finalist published in 2004 with Tyndale/Heartquest.
Our family moved home from the mission field in June 2004 -- and now we live in the beautiful town I'd always dreamed of! God has amazed me anew with His provision, and blessings -- and allowed me a season when I can write full time for Him.
I LOVE JOSEY!!! She was a well-written, very relatable character! Anyone who is pregnant or has been pregnant will commiserate with her in her struggles as a brand-new wife and a Mother-in-the-wings. I loved this book – I desire to be a Proverbs 31-woman too (don’t we all? Who wrote that passage anyway, a MAN?! J), but I don’t cook that well (thank God my husband finds it therapeutic to do Every Day) and few things I do “turn to gold.” God though has a Purpose for each of our lives and a Plan – and He will use us if we’re willing! That’s what I walked away from the book with…and my thoughts from my own life that related to it. Definitely a must-read!
Here are some links:
Buy the book:
Read the first Chapter:
Susan’s website:
Susan’s blog:
Susan’s other books:
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