Monday, November 17, 2008

Gretchen's Scribbles: Developing A Thick Skin

It is said - by whom? you might ask - by, well most everyone, that you have to develop a thick skin as a writer. I'm definitely not known as someone who has a thick skin - I've been labeled things such as "sensitive" and "tender." However, those literary "criticisms" that I've received, I find exhilirating! I think, "I knew that! I knew there was a problem there...and now I need to fix it".

I think that an excellent way to work at this - and to discover your temperament - is to be part of a writer's critique. The group that I'm going to in Lititz, PA does this. Your 2-5 pages of manuscript is read aloud and the individuals in the group critique it. You are not allowed to defend it, only to answer direct questions. I enjoy it. I do realize that it may be an entirely different experience to receive rejection e-mails/letters and to discover that there may not be anyone interested in publishing the novel that I've written.

I also know that this isn't easy for everyone. I saw a woman (who was an excellent writer, by the way) who looked very upset as she sat in her car as I drove away the other day. I felt bad...she had been in the group I had critiqued. Hopefully...and most importantly, I guess...neither her nor I will quit...but we'll hang onto the fact that God has given us a gift...a weapon...that can continually be sharpened and improved.

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