Monday, March 30, 2009

Never Say Diet Update: Third Month Update

I've lost 15 pounds!!! :) I'd be able to say that I'd lost a few more, but I haven't done too well sticking to a reasonable amount of calories the past two weeks - and I've exercised a little less. What reassures me is that Chantel points out in her book that this is not a diet it's a goal to have a permanent lifestyle change. So today, I'm taking the challenge back up again to do my very best.

I love that she says, "fruit is God's candy." I have been a junk food addict since I left home at eighteen. The thought of ordering fruit for dessert at a restaurant appalled me. Well okay, it still does, but I'm hoping that in time that will change too. The effort of giving up junk food of all kinds for a month proved to be a big challenge for me - but the thought of disappointing myself solidified my resolve to keep my commitment. And I prayed. A LOT. I'm finding it easier to say no to sweets and junk food...and at times all I want is a big bowl of fruit. I would also have to say that fruit tastes better to me than it ever has before. I'm being transformed by the renewing of my mind in a whole new way which I find Very Exciting!

Next Time: My veggie cream cheese (which I love!) alternative...

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