Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Back Cover Review: Walking On Broken Glass

Walking On Broken Glass is a novel brim-full of not only redemption, but restoration. What is restoration? Well, when it comes to furniture, it's restoring it to its original condition. When it comes to the LORD and people, it's restoring us to "His original intention" for our lives (as one author I read recently so beautifully put it). Leah's story is about that kind of restoration.

Leah, like so many people who struggle with abuse and addiction, doesn't realize that the patterns in her life aren't the norm. Her friend Molly is a testament to friendship when she confronts her about her drinking issues. There are no rose-colored glasses in this novel, but there are numerous shades of hope and grace filling its pages.

christa allan deals with a myriad of serious issues with the tact and grace of a true Southern lady - alcoholism, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, generational problems and addictions. This book is thought-provoking, heart-provoking and powerful to the core. christa weaves it together with a strong, enjoyable writing style that makes reading it a delight - like sweet tea in Georgia!

1 comment:

Christa Allan said...

Bless you, and I so appreciate your candor because I know Abingdon took a leap in faith to publish my novel. God is truly answering my prayers for Leah to touch the lives of people who need to know grace is just around the corner.