Friday, January 16, 2009

Back Cover Reviews: Never Say Diet by Chantel Hobbs

The arrival of this book just happened to coincide with me beginning to exercise - well, for the first time since I had kids really. They are two and a half and four and a half years old. So, I've worked out for the last sixteen days and read her book.

Her story is inspiring and challenging. And it just makes so much sense. She talks about everything from establishing the discipline to exercise to learning basic nutrition to breaking our love of food.

Never Say Diet and The Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Trainer: Sixteen Weeks to Achieve Your Goal of a Healthy Lifestyle are a life-altering set of books that will takes the reader one step at a time - and encourages on the way! C'mon, if she can do, we can too!

I have about twenty pounds to lose and I'm planning to post updates of my progress with this. Thank you Chantel!

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