Question: What inspired you to write Letting Go, Pathway to an Amazing Life?

Answer: I have had a personal relationship with God most of my life. I attended church, prayed daily, participated in church activities, etc. I knew Jesus offers joy and peace. Yet happiness in my life seemed to come and go. There had to be more to life. I heard others say you will have happiness if you have a relationship with God. I had a relationship with Him yet something was missing. Then I went through what I call a “wilderness experience”. This is a time of hardship in which there is nothing we can do to help ourselves. We discover we must let go of our grip on anything in our life that we are seeking to find satisfaction from and embrace the life God called us to live. Experiencing a wilderness experience changed my focus and my life. What resulted is a strong desire to tell what I discovered to all who are on the same pursuit for happiness that I was on.
Question: Letting Go, is an intriguing title. Why did you choose it?
Answer: We tend to hold onto the things we think will bring us contentment. In my life I held onto my dreams and desires. I believed they would provide me the happiness I sought. Yet everything I pursued failed to bring meaning to my life. It was not until I reached a point that I realized that my own pursuing was not working that I was able to let go and surrender all to God. It was at this point that my life changed. It was in letting go that I began to find true joy and peace in my life.
Question: How can reading your book have an impact on the reader’s life?
Answer: As you travel with me on my journey to find contentment, I share the secrets I discovered to have inner peace and true joy. I encourage the reader to let go of the obstacles in their life that hinders them from experiencing the abundant life Jesus wants all of us to have. Further, fundamental truths are revealed that guides the reader to a closer walk with God.
Question: How did you become a Christian?
Answer: My parents made the decision to enroll me in a Christian school. My parents did not know God, but they knew the value of a good education. They felt a Christian school would give me a better education. It was at school that I learned who Jesus is and about the love of God. I value those days and the valuable lessons I learned. Those lessons were what would get me through many challenges in my future.
Question: You speak of joy and peace in your book. In what way did you find these?
Answer: For most of my life, my eyes were focused on my life, my circumstances, my dreams and desires. Once I let go of these and put my focus on drawing closer to the Lord and embracing His desires, my life began to have meaning. When I stopped placing confidence in myself to find happiness and started having God-confidence, He brought me an inner peace and joy that I had previously only had glimpses of. My circumstances did not change but how I felt inside did.
Question: Was there a pivotal point that changed your life?
Answer: My childhood held a lot of precious memories. It was during my childhood that I grew to have a special love for family. It was a place where you belong; a place you can count on, or so I thought.
During my junior high years my family started to come apart. Investments my dad made put a strain on his marriage with my mother. Finally my dad stopped coming home. My world was turned upside down. The family I knew and loved was gone. All I depended on was no more. What I was left with was my pursuit to have a loving family again. It became my life’s goal.
In my pursuit I would meet several men; a few that were good to me and many who were not. I ended up in some pretty awful circumstances at times. Yet I just hung on. I believed so deeply that if I could just meet that special one, I would be happy at last. Then one day I did or so I thought. That man became my husband. Then four days before Christmas he walked into our bedroom and said there was a U-Haul in the driveway and he was moving out. I could barely breathe. The pain was intense. This is what I had waited for all my life. This marriage was supposed to bring me happiness. And there were many times it did. But in the end I was left empty and alone.
For most of my life my focus was in finding Mr. Right. I believed once I did I would my life would be complete. When my husband walked out, I realized all my pursuing only left me broken and without hope. I saw following my own pursuits was futile. It was at this point that God was then able to show me a much deeper love than I had ever experienced and I was able to let go.
Question: How has your book been received from its readers?
Answer: Here are some excerpts of what others have said after reading my book.
“Phenomenal book! From her personal experience, Ms. Hancock gives inspired counsel on how to have a truly amazing life. Her insight often goes against the modern cultural norm, and challenges popular notions by taking us back to basic concepts that have been known and have worked for millennia. A must read, if you dare. Warning! Do not read this book if you’re happy and content with just miserably existing in this world. You will be challenged.”
"This book has a great message to anyone who reads it. The author shares many of her life stories plus a great pathway to happiness. It is a true must have for any Christian reader. The book holds your interest from chapter to chapter."
“As an avid reader of mostly non-religious books, I was pleasantly surprised how much liked this one. I found "Letting Go" to flow smoothly between scripture and the stories of the author and others. This is a REAL story, from a very REAL person who takes us on a journey through her trials & tribulations of looking for her "true love". She would come to discover that the only "true love" can be found in Jesus Christ. This is a terrific book about life and living it to its fullest. A very inspiring book to readers of any denomination and I recommend it highly."
Question: Are you associated with any other organizations you would care to share with our readers?
I have partnered with Inspire Life Skills Training, Inc ( They inspire young adults who are aging-out of the foster care system to become independent. Half of the proceeds from the sale of this book is given to them.
Foster youth face enormous challenges in making a smooth transition to adulthood and building successful lives. These young people often leave the foster care system with few resources and very little support. Often they have suffered physically and emotionally from the lack of a stable and supportive family. As a result it is common for these youth to face homelessness, limited education, unemployment, incarceration, substance abuse and unwanted pregnancy.
Question: Can you tell us a little bit about your personal life?
Answer: I currently reside in Southern California. I am the Director of Amazing Life Ministries which gives me the opportunity to travel throughout the country and minister to people. I have two grown sons, David and Jeremiah. I love the outdoors. Some of the activities that I enjoy participating in is skiing, hiking, camping, bicycling, and scuba diving.
Question: How can our readers purchase your book?
Answer: It can be purchased directly from my website at Also it can be bought from several online bookstores.
Thank you for your time and May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him.

ABOUT Sandy Hancock:
Sandy Hancock has been a student of God’s word since childhood. From first grade into college, with the exception of two years, she attended a Christian school in which she had daily Bible study. Throughout life she has studied the Bible in her personal reading, Bible study groups as well as regularly attending church. She has also been a student in the School of Hardknocks. Life has offered many lessons. Some have been more painful than others. These lessons brought her a greater understanding of who God is and His love. As she walks with the Lord He brings her wisdom and knowledge.
She decided to become a writer after a “wilderness experience” occurred in her life. A “wilderness experience” is a time of hardship in which there is nothing we can do to help ourselves; a time in which there is no other choice but to let go and trust God. At this point she completely surrendered her life to the Lord. She let go of making decisions based on what she wanted and started making decisions based on what she believes glorifies the Lord. The Lord changed her life and set her on a path that has led to joy and contentment. Now she wants to share what she has discovered on this path.
She was born in Anaheim, California on September 1, 1961. As a child, she lived in Fullerton, California until her ninth grade year at which time she moved to Durant, Oklahoma. She currently lives in Southern California and has two sons named David and Jeremiah. She attended Fresno State University and received her Bachelor’s degree in Business in 1998. Also in 1998 she earned a Toastmaster Competent Communicator award. She has worked in sales in the real estate, advertising and insurance industries. She has also taught at Mount San Jacinto Community College, Menifee, CA.
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