Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Back Cover Reviews: Never Say Diet by Chantel Hobbs - One Month Update

I lost five pounds in the first month! I averaged an hour of exercise 5-6 days a week. I haven't taken my measurements yet which is unfortunate because I think I've lost and inch or two in my waist and my husband said that my legs look thin! :) My goal is to develop healthy lifestyle habits (exercise and eating) more than to burn calories (but I really could lose twenty pounds to be healthy again).

This is my third day of no junk food for a month (or as I'd like to call it practice-for-getting-rid-of-junk-in-the-trunk, LOL). So far, I've given up a chocolate cupcake, Sunday morning coffee (with lots of creamer), two after dinner mints and my mother-in-law's special Peanut Butter & Jelly Cookies (I probably would have eaten 2-3 yesterday and another one already today) - just think of all of those calories that in the past I wouldn't have had the will-power to resist consuming! Oh yeah, and I went to bed hungry last night (don't worry, I consumed enough calories yesterday) - something new for me. And, guess what, it is a really good feeling to have some victory and self-control in this area!

Yes, I've had some bad days where I didn't resist the food temptation...and ate too many calories (like the last night of January), but hey, this is not a diet...it's practice for permanent change in my life! Thank you Chantlel!

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