Friday, April 17, 2009

Back Cover Review: Boneman's Daughters by Ted Dekker

This might be Dekker's darkest novel yet.

He's clearly "perfected his craft." He writes his characters so authentic, each one could be your neighbor next door - whether it's the protagonist or the serial killer. It's unnerving and disturbing...and yes, thrilling. I found I couldn't put this one down, but I almost did when...well, I can't tell you because hopefully you will read this one for yourself and decide.

I felt like I stumbled upon the purpose of his book when the sheer horror of it almost overwhelmed that point, I read this:

"On January 1, 2008, for the first time in history, a full one percent of all Americans were locked behind bars (one in every 99.1 persons, to be precise). The number had shocked those who took the time to consider its magnitude because America did a wonderful job of hiding its ugly underbelly.

No one wanted to look at the common evils of society. Very few were willing to put aside their own pursuit of happiness long enough to consider the effects of greed and jealousy around them..."

That and the desperate point of a generation growing up separated from their fathers and feeling separated from God as a result. So, are we - are you - willing to take a good look at our society in abandoned disrepair or is it too painful? A little too real?

My favorite Dekker books: The Circle Trilogy (Black, Red, White), Blink...oh yeah, and Saint was great too! (As for co-authored books, I loved his early works - Heaven's Wager, When Heaven Weeps, Thunder of Heaven, Blessed Child, and A Man Called Blessed...and KISS)

My least favorite: Three, Adam

So by all means Dekker fans let me know what you think!

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